Thursday, June 29, 2006

My International Debut!!

Well it's finally out! Graham Coxon's video for his new single 'I Can't Look at Your Skin' can be seen here:
AND I'M CLEARLY IN IT!! (as are Tim Burnitt and Sam Holdsworth)

I'm at the beginning, at 51 seconds in, my hair is in it a lot and then I'm in it again near the end.

So cool!! :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm too old for this....

So sad, but these are my latest Desktop pics - got sick of having Martin Henderson on there the whole time :)

Gerard Way is the lead singer of My Chemical Romance (MCR) and these pics are from the video to their song Ghost of You.

I know it is not cool to like MCR, but I can't help myself!!! I am embarrassed, but out of control.

ANyways, he looks hot in this vid, so here he is. Knickers to cute-boy-haters!!!! (*cough*Matt Maguire*cough*)
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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kinda looks like he's looking at me - freaky.

(He is most definitely not - unless to note that the crowd are kept a long way from the stage) Posted by Picasa

Look! He's smiling!!

 Posted by Picasa

The Raconteurs

Hey! Last night I went to the O2 Wireless festival to see The Raconteurs - Jack White's band with Brendan Benson. They were really good! I was up front (of course) and my, my, Jack White has been working out!! He's buffed up and looking super hot! :)

There's some more pics on the msn group site (link to the right).

I also caught the end of Dirty Pretty Things. I saw them recently, and they were on pretty early, so I decided not to get there in time to see them.

Belle and Sebastian were on after The Raconteurs and then The Strokes. I wasn't that enamoured with the last Strokes album and hate Belle and Sebastian, so decided pretty early on just to go after Raconteurs. We'd tried to get tickets to see them earlier this year, but missed out :( So I'm well pleased that I've seen them now.

And I should add that Jack White was the happiest I've seen him yet - and I've seen The WHite Stripes play about 4 times or something!! Very cool :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 19, 2006

Martin Henderson

You have to admit, he does look pretty good in this picture.... Posted by Picasa

Me and London's Geography

Where I lived, live now and where I work - in London (of course). Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Summer Ball

Well it was the NPL Summer Ball last night, so just thought I'd put this pic up of me and Sam, my guest. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Christchurch - God I love that place!

Finally I've jumped on the bandwagon and looked at Google Earth - so slow, I know. Anyways, found Chch and found my markers - they are kinda educational, but since I was in Chch for 22 years and I was at Uni until I was 21 & a half, it's not that surprising!

Can't wait to go back!! :) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rhodesy drinks a little too much maybe

Sunday, 11th June, was a great day, so a bunch of us (me, selena, lisa garnett, grog, matt, sarah, hamish, sam jeffs, ras, ras's boyfriend Chris Danral, and ras's friend caroline), went to the park and then all of us, except Sam and Selena who had stuff to do, went on to Sarah and Matt's place for a BBQ. It was really good. Got some crazy pics too which are linked on the sidebar, under the links bit. Rhodesy was rather drunk ;) Posted by Picasa

Paris Daytrip Continued

We also went to Sacre Coeur, which is just beautiful! It's built with stone that gets whiter and harder with age.

It's in the Moulin Rogue movie - Nicole Kidman stands in front of it, I think.

Anyways, it was great, but tragically, on the way down I found that we didn't have to climb all the stairs to get up to it (it's built on a hill), but we could've taken a tram/vernacular thing! Grr!! I'm blaming this final climb for the massive blisters I had the next day!(Well, that and the speeding for the Eurostar train when we thought we had to be there for 8pm, but actually we only had to be there for 8.15pm!!) Posted by Picasa

Paris Daytrip


Selena Robb and I went to Paris for the day on Saturday!

We went up the Eiffel Tower (which was really good - much better than I thought it would be!) and tried to visit Jim Morrison's grave - which had been moved since my guidebook was writen, darn Frenchies! :) Posted by Picasa

I should also say that I was very proud of myself for managing to climb all the steps up the Eiffel Tower. Since my foot operation, I 've done no sport for 9 weeks now, (with 3 more left to go), and was housebound for 5 weeks, of which two I was bed bound! Damn I'm pleased with myself!

Me and Dave Grohl!

This is me with Dave Grohl! I was going to see Fool For Love in the Westend - it's the show with Martin Henderson and Juliette Lewis - and Dave Grohl was outside the theatre having a fag before he went in to see the show! Luckily for me I had my camera in my hand, as I was taking pics of the theatre, so I got a pic with him. Yay! He was lovely :) Posted by Picasa

Me and Graham Coxon!

Graham Coxon shot his new music video on Monday and I was there! Hopefully I'll be able to be seen in the video, but if not, at least I got to meet him again and have my pic taken with him. He's lovely too :)

I did meet him before actually - he was in the audience at a Vines gig at the Electric Ballroom in Camden. Me and Elton went up to him. I got him to sign my envelope, have a photo taken with me (tragically it was blurry!) and he also gave me a kiss on the cheek! So awesome :) Posted by Picasa



This is my new blog. Basically I don't know what I'm doing, but want to put my pics on here!

Especially since I met Dave Grohl last night :)

(from Christchurch)