Friday, December 29, 2006

New Web Albums


Not using the msn group photo site anymore, as it sucks, but using a google/picasa one. The link is here:


you can click on the link on the right-hand side of the blog, which says 'link to NEW web albums'


you can click on the pic of me in front of the pyramids on the right-hand side of the blog and then go see all my pubic galleries that way!

Got the pics uploaded!

Used the basic uploader instead of the flash one, so may I present:

-Caroline's birthday
- Wallace Eason competition

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Okay, tried to upload the pics

But these aren't there:

- Caroline's Birthday
- Wallace Eason

Couldn't connect to server or something!


Hey Y'all

I've put the pics from
- Christmas Eve at the Dux
- Boxing Day BBQ at Sparks'
- Caroline's Birthday
- The Wallace Eason Competition


Have a Great New Years :)


Saturday, December 23, 2006

New Web Photo Album Site!

It seems a lot better than my crappy msn group!!

The new site is:

or you can click on the link on the right-hand side of the page to it.

So far all it has is my fave pics fromthe Middle East (excluding Istanbul - not got to that yet!!).

Leaving drink photos etc are still on the MSN group site.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

(aka The
Christmas Dog)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's Weird to Be Home

I've almost been home for a week now, but I'm not really settled in yet. Opa reckons it took him 5 years when he immigrated from Holland, but I'm seriously hoping it won't take me that long!! Besides, I have lived in Chch before. However, I have heard from other friends that when they come back it from the UK, the following year was the worst year of their lives! Eeek!!

Here is a pic of the beach across the road from my Grandparent's house:

Monday, December 11, 2006

I am back in Chch!!

Just to let you know that I got back home to Christchurch safe and sound :)

With loads of luggage ;)

I'm a Good Girl! I did 17 Interviews!!

Well, my earlier procrastinating came back and bit me in the arse. Thanks to leaving my work to the last minute (as usual), I had to do loads of work in my last week in London! It was horrible!!! BUT I did manage to do 17 interviews (was hoping to do 30 though) and have a meeting with my Mentor for the Post Grad Cert in Knowledge Transfer (KT) that I'm doing. So I'm pretty happy with that. If I want to do any more interviews, I'll have to email people the questions instead. Done a good range of people though - including the MD!, so I might not have to... maybe. We'll see.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Me (left) and Ras (on the right)

I love this pic of me and Ras! It's from Sat 2nd Dec, just before my leaving drinks.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Back in London, Back at NPL

Yup, you read right. I'm back at work - good ole NPL! Well, it's all my own fault for procrastinating about my Work Based Project, thus meaning that I have to do 30 interviews this week!!!! The alternative is calling people from NZ. Not ideal.

Anyways, I had my leaving drinks on Sat night at Jewel. It was a great night - thanks to everyone who bought me a drink, by the way!! Unfortunately three people didn't get in - Stringer (although he was borderline), Dan because of his old, substandard sneaker footwear and Grog later on as he was deemed too drunk (he did sound pretty drunk on the phone, actually). Such a shame! At least I saw Dan and Stringer outside the club. I tried to get them in, but the bouncers were having none of it!

Actually, before I forget, a congratulations to Neil for puking on the stairs to the toilets at Jewel and also nearly falling asleep numerous times, but managing to avoid being chucked out! Good work!

Well, I should go and do some real work which I've been avoiding for so long :(
