Saturday, May 18, 2013

Something Serious - How I thought I was too big at 5yrs old thanks to Disney

So this week there's been a big thing about how Disney has re-done Pixar's Merida (from Brave). Here's one of the many articles online about it.

Anyway, this has made me think about a specific thing/event I remember from when I was 5 years old. I was at Queenspark Primary School (in Chch) and we were going to have some kind of class parade or something. So we were making costumes. I was making a princess dress out of a big piece of cardboard. 

I made the dress and decorated it and everything, but then I remember thinking that it didn't look right. It didn't look the same shape as Snow White's. So I whittled down the waist.

But it wasn't enough. So I kept making the waist smaller and smaller, until eventually me - a not actually fat 5 year old - was wider than the waist of my dress. 

That day I felt like I was too big. And physically wrong.

Yeah, Snow White's a cartoon etc - but when you're 5 years old, you believe TV. You believe everything you're told. You don't question things. You're FIVE ffs! And if all the women on TV or in books have very skinny waists and look a certain way, then so should you. And if you don't, you're wrong.