Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wicked - The Untold Story of The Witches of Oz

Wicked was, in fact, wicked! Me and Fleur went to the opening night last Thursday, 07 Sept.

The crowd were CRAZY - they just went nuts!! They cheered and clapped the whole way through, and basically just went crazy. There was even a big crowd waiting outside the stage door afterwards to see the actors when they came out.(But we didn't stay for that.) I think they must've seen it when it was on Broadway in New York, or maybe have read the book?

The actors were good too - I recognise some of them. There's the guy from Coyote Ugly, the teacher with the Mandrakes from Harry Potter, and Nigel Planer who was Neil in the Young Ones.

Oh yeah, it's won 3 Tony Awards and a Grammy Award.

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