Saturday, May 26, 2007

The End of My Second Week at Work

I made it through two weeks of work!!

Working is hard!! And the days are sooooo looooong!!! 8.30am - 5.30pm EVERY DAY!!!! That's a whole 40 hours a week - so not the British way. What's wrong with 37.5 hours a week? I haven't worked 40 mandatory hours per week for YEARS.

Yes, working has been quite a nasty shock to the system. After my first day, I was so tired i went to bed straight after dinner. Asleep by 9.30! For those of you who know me as my usual go to bed at 2am, live on 6 hours sleep a night, well, things have changed! I'm going to sleep at like, 10.30, and then getting up at 7.30am and still being tired!!! It's horrible!!! I feel like I'm spending all my time at work or sleeping. Sucks. And I'm too tired to watch David Letterman at 11pm. Hopefully I will get used to it in time, and be able to stop having to sleep so much. Unless it's old age....... (yes, I am once again hating having my birthday. It's Tuesday, and I'm 29 on the 29th of May.)

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