Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's getting hot....

Since I've been here, the temperature has slowly been climbing ever higher. Today it right on the border line of being too hot for me. I managed to eat my lunch outside today - I'm really trying to go outside as I want to minimise my imminent time as an indoor prisoner of the heat - but can hardly believe that it was 38 degrees C!  The low humidity is what must be making it bearable, cos I normally would've melted. I didn't stay out a really long time, but  enough to feel like I had some outdoor time. Coming back inside was like jumping into a plunge pool after a sauna - they keep the lobby of this building SO COLD. Our office isn't much warmer, but is still warmer than the foyer. FFS people - turn up the air con! AND, for the love of God, please change the CD being played at Costa Coffee (opp our office). If I hear Enya one more time, I just don't know what violence will be unleashed! ;P

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