Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Berlin! 04 - 08 Oct 2006

(Sorry about the crazy angle - blame Martin's crazy friend with the crazy name, Till)

This pic is me and Martin Boettcher. Martin is from Cologne (in Germany), but he's doing his PhD in Berlin. We know each other from uni, as he did a year in NZ - 1999. It was great to see him again!! :) AND Yes, he is also a physics geek.

This is us at a punk party in an old, somewhat derelict building in Berlin, about 3am. It was great, but those punks smell (probably all the unwashed dreads and leather) and there were dogs EVERYWHERE.

Actually, there are dogs all over Berlin. Martin and I went for a walk around the city on the Sunday before I left, and I counted 30 dogs before giving up on it. There are loads in Berlin!!!

Anyways, Berlin was awesome!! The best part though is the nights. So many wicked bars! I had a great time :)

EXCEPT for my wallet going missing, and my camera breaking. Fortunately I'm covered by travel insurance, but still. Going to the police station to make a report wastes so much time!

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