Sunday, October 22, 2006

Two more days of craziness


Went to the Egyptian Museum and saw stuff. Can't be bothered adding the rest, as it's strange and difficult.

Except that I got a set of passport photos done, and they photo shopped it! I now have a photoshopped passport size pic!!! Hehehehehe. They made my skin look better and stuff. It was so cool! I think I look better in the pic than real life now! And it only cost one british pound. I want all my photos photoshopped from now on!

Got an ISIC card - very good. It has my photoshopped pic on it :) Then went back to the Egyptian Museum and saw the stuff I didn't catch yesterday. Tutancamen (can't spell that) stuff and mummies (which you have to pay extra to see).

Then went to a square and wandered around. It was really cool. Just crazy, of course, and loads of stalls etc. I bought a headscarf as people keep talking to me, even though I'm wearing long sleeved and legged clothes. The headscarf really works! It's great. Much less hassle. Still some, but much better.

Anyways, at this square and the streets leading off it, everyone was waiting to eat as it's Ramadan this month. People can't eat during daylight. Only before sunrise and after sunset. They have 'dinner' at 3am!

I took some photos, cos it was kinda odd to see all these people sitting on the street or at tables lining the street, waiting for it to be time to eat. However, then some people came up and I think they told me not to take photos. So I said I wouldn't & apologised, and then they invited me to eat with them.

So I ended up having 'breakfast' on the ground of a street with a bunch of people. They were really nice, although couldn't really speak english. And they even had a woman with them. She was someones wife and I think possible Mother to more than one of the kids there. Then i had some tea with them. It was all very nice, and very strange. I got a photo of them all, so will try to post it on the msn pictures group I've got (link on the right hands side green bar/border)

Now I'm just blogging/emailing and then I'm off to my hotel. Tomorrow is the first day of the tour!!!! Wish me luck! Really looking forward to travelling with people again! It's so hard here!

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