Saturday, October 21, 2006

I made it to Cairo!

Well, I'm in Cairo :) It's a crazy, crazy city! It's so busy and everyone talks to you - mostly trying to make money out of you, I think.

Also, I've been spoken to in Arabic/asked if I'm Egyptian about a zillion times today. At least 50 anyway. I say I'm from New Zealand, which is a bit hit-and-miss regarding whether or not they know where/what that is, and then I say my dad is Samoan. Try explaining SAMOA to Egyptians!! It's been difficult.

Also, blue hair seems to be a bit of a novelty round here. Granted I haven't seen anyone else with it.... I have had a number of compliments though :)

I've also been proposed marriage about a dozen times.

Today I went to the Coptic Cairo area - the christian bit. It was great, and I was there for ages. I had a look in the cemeteries, which were really cool and had all these mini-house mausoleums (hope I spelt that right!) for the dead. But then I saw some washing hanging outside one, and I'm pretty sure that dead people don't need washing... So I checked later, and sure enough, some people (though not many) live in the cemetery!

Also, in the guide book it says for female travellers alone to be careful of flashers in the cemeteries. I stayed on guard, but didn't see any. Not too sure if I'm relieved or disappointed now! Aren't I good enough for them??!?? Besides, we did see one in Barcelona at the Gaudi park - Thanks to Ras repeatedly pointing him out to us until we all got an eyeful! Poor Christina and me! Christina just thought it was as a statue she was shouting about, and I thought it was just a cactus in the shape of a naked man!!! I'll know better next time she points one out.

Well, I'm gonna try to post this now, and if successful maybe a picture too! And something about the Pyramids & Sphynix (prob misspelt) Sound and Light show I went to the other night (quick summary - lame)

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