Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another weird thing about Dubai....

Opening hours!

It's pretty unbelievable how late things are open here. Like really late. The pharmacy in the ground floor of my apartment building is open until midnight. The BANK is open until 10pm at Dubai Mall on Saturday (which is a weekend here). Madness! But bloody convenient.

Though what is inconvenient is the sheer volume of children out at all times of the night. It's very odd after coming from NZ. I thought the numbers of kids would decrease at the mall as it got closer to midnight (was shopping), but no! Still tonnes of kids around - all ages too. There are quite a few crying and throwing tantrums, and I can't help but think 'Duh! It's 11pm and your kid is probably tired!'. Just different way of raising kids here I guess. Bedtimes, Schmedtime!

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